
A Starring Role

Yirrkala Stars girls took part in a theatre-style performance of an ancient Yolŋu creation story this week, along with other students from Yirrkala School and community Elders.

‘Yawulŋura’ is a bilingual and intergenerational production incorporating theatre, dance and a mix of contemporary and traditional music.

Students from Years 4 to 10 rehearsed with Corrugated Iron Youth Arts for one month before the performance and senior Stars student, Kaya Munungurr, provided great leadership during rehearsals by translating for the other students and modelling good listening and positive behaviour.

The performance was part of the Yirrkala Dhäwu project, a two-year collaboration between the Yirrkala School, Corrugated Iron Youth Arts, Buku-Larrŋggay Mulka Yirrkala Arts Centre and co-directors Sarah Hope and Banbapuy Ganambarr.

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