
Governor General’s Morning Tea

On Monday 7th March Casuarina Senior College and Stars Foundation students Danielle Ponter and Nikita Long travelled to Canberra to attend the announcement of Cricket Australia’s first indigenous female cricket team to tour India in May. Joining them in Canberra for the two day trip was Dave Russell, Casuarina Senior College Stars Program Manager and Andrea Goddard, Chief Executive, Stars Foundation.

The formal reception was hosted at Government House by His Excellency the Governor General, Peter Cosgrove. Michael Kasprowicz (Cricket Australia Director) formally launched the tour, while also recognising International Women’s Day. Mr Kasprowicz spoke of the importance the tour plays in developing elite sporting pathways for indigenous females in Australian sport.
Stars’ partnership with Cricket Australia provided a wonderful opportunity for two Stars leaders to further develop their leadership qualities, and both Nikita and Danielle represented Stars in a manner of which we could all be proud.

Danielle and Nikita where chosen to attend the event in recognition of the fact that they are both outstanding young leaders within the Stars program at Casuarina Senior College and the broader community. Cricket Australia made the trip possible as part of their partnership with the Stars Foundation, improving school completion rates of young indigenous females and assisting with the transition to further employment, education or training post-school.