
Year 12 Induction – Focus on Future Pathways

Each year the Stars Foundation program invites our Year 12 students from across the Northern Territory to attend an induction. On the first evening the girls were treated to a lovely dinner at the Trailer Boat club where the girls spent time getting to know one another. The next day was all business! Commencement of the Induction Day activities at Charles Darwin University where Linzi Houghton (CSC Yr12 Co-ordinator) spoke with the girls about potential challenges that they may face in Year 12 and strategies to resolve any obstacles to ensure that the girls succeed. The girls then had to move out of their comfort zones and get involved in a group activity where they had to meet new people and ask them different questions about life, school and their future. It was a great experience for the girls to practice their public speaking skills. Next on the agenda was a presentation from the Indigenous Leadership panel, Tanyah Nasir and Deb Anstess-Vallejo, who gave inspiring guidance about keeping your head held high, being proud of yourself and striving no matter the obstacles, to fulfil your ambitions. The girls then went on a Career Speed Dating adventure where they were given exposure to eight industries where they could ask questions about study pathways and salary information about the different industries. After lunch the girls were spilt into three groups to participate in a community activity, at either Wagaman Primary School, Anglicare Op-Shop or PAWS. This gave our Stars a look into options as to how they can give back to their community. Now it is time to put all this into action and have a successful 2017 and make active choices towards realising their full potential.