
Encouraging our Stars

To encourage our Stars to be their best, we reward students who consistently demonstrate the Stars values – Respect, Honesty, Commitment and Pride – and attend school regularly.

Some of our awesome Tennant Creek Stars were recently rewarded with a Canoeing Camp at Lake Woods in Elliott this week.

The girls learnt a range of new skills, including canoeing, setting up and maintaining a tidy camp site, and making damper and tasty Johnny cakes.

While they were there, representatives from both the women’s and men’s Collingwood Football Club teams visited the camp, joining in on a swim and canoeing with the girls.

Other highlights included sitting around the campfire yarning, singing, dancing and telling stories – as well as getting down and dirty with some fun mud baths!

Joined by girls from Elliot School, the girls also had a great opportunity to make new friends.