
Thuringowa Star Joins ADF

Year 11 Thuringowa Star, Gail Coolburra, has embarked on an exciting career journey with the Australian Defence Force.

Gail is currently completing the Army Indigenous Defence Program at Kapooka in New South Wales. Once she has finished this, she will begin her enlistment training to become a fully fledged member of the Australian Defence Force.

Gail’s Stars Mentors attended her Enlistment Ceremony in Townsville recently and all felt so deeply proud of how far this young woman has come during this year.

Gail has been an enthusiastic participant in the Stars program and has definitely left a void in the Thuringowa program.  In fact, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room when her Mentors and fellow Stars students waved her off for the last time!

We are so proud of you, Gail, and we know you are destined for a very bright future. Congratulations!