Stars CEO Welcomes $19.5M Funding Commitment
Stars Founder and CEO Andrea Goddard has welcomed an announcement by The Hon. Tanya Plibersek, Shadow Minister for Education, that if elected a Shorten Labor Government will commit $19.5 million in funding to support Stars Foundation.
“We are very excited because this funding commitment would enable Stars to provide high-quality, intensive mentoring support to thousands more First Nations girls and young women across Australia,” Ms Goddard said.
“Over the past decade, there’s been significant investment in programs for boys, but no matching investment in programs for girls, despite the fact that First Nations girls and young women face just as many challenges and barriers to education and employment as boys do.
“Stars was established in 2015 to address this inequity and we’re thrilled that Federal Labor, through this commitment, has recognised the quality of the work we do and the very positive outcomes we are achieving for our young women.”
Ms Goddard said the funding would allow Stars to build on its successful programs in the Northern Territory, Queensland and Victoria by providing 8000 additional places for First Nations girls and young women in schools across the country.
Read more about the announcement here.