
Setting up for Success

Senior Stars students from four schools in the Northern Territory were recently brought together for a Year 12 Stars induction.

The aim of these annual induction sessions is to identify the skills and strategies our Stars will need to help them achieve their goals and reach their full potential during the demanding final year of school.

This year our NT Stars induction program began with a ‘speed dating’ session, which gave our young women a chance to get to know each other in a fun and non-threatening environment before heading off for dinner together.

The next day featured a range of guest speakers, including some former Stars graduates, who spoke about how they coped with the demands of Year 12 and how they have transitioned into life after school.

A range of employers attended the final session, which gave our Stars an insight into what employers look for when they are considering hiring a young person. Many of these employers have engaged with Stars Foundation previously and some already have Stars graduates working with them.

After this inspiring induction into Year 12, with the support of their Mentors, our Stars will identify their individual goals and develop a plan to achieve them.