
Stars are Kickin’ it!

As part of the Stars program in Townsville, more than 30 of our young women have committed to attending weekly Taekwondo training classes with Master Renee from South Pacific Taekwondo.

Not only will the girls be learning the discipline and skills of Taekwondo, they will also eventually be graded on their proficiency and work towards belt advancement.

Over the past two years, our Stars have been working with Master Renee and her team to learn the general principles of self defence.

During this time, however, Master Renee became so impressed with our young women that she applied for a grant to create a special ‘Stars Taekwondo Class’.

At the end of last year, Master Renee was successful in her application and will now run classes for 35 of our young women for the remainder of this year.

Apart from the technical skills of Taekwondo, this training will support our Stars to further develop their resilience, commitment and confidence.

Our Townsville Stars Mentors have been thrilled to see these young women working to execute the moves, developing their mental and physical strength, and showing such pride in their achievements.