“How do I join?” was the question on the lips of many of our Townsville Stars after an unforgettable day at the local RAAF Base recently.
As part of Stars’ focus on pathways to employment or further study after Year 12, our students were welcomed onto the base and given some hands-on insights into the realities of life in the Air Force.
Students got a taste of ration-pack food (quite nice, apparently!), experienced the physical effort involved in carrying a pack and full body armour, and learnt how to identify camouflaged items in the bush.
A tour of one of the amazing Chinook helicopters was followed by a fantastic RAAF guard dog demonstration and an experience of what it’s like to be an aviation firefighter.
The highlight of the day came when the girls had an opportunity to watch two Hornets take off right in front of their eyes!
RAAF members who hosted our Townsville Stars were super-impressed by their enthusiasm, respect and curiosity.
A huge thank you to the members of 383 Squadron, who were so welcoming and gave our young women an experience they will never forget.