Students organised a fantastic opening event for the beautiful new Stars and Clontarf Engagement Program Precinct at Driver Primary School last week.
Local MP and NT Minister, Eva Lawler, was there to cut the ribbon alongside some very excited Driver Primary Stars and Clontarf students!
The event opened with a student-led Welcome to Country, followed by a Smoking Ceremony by Traditional Owners Shaun and Trent Lee, who are also the talented artists behind the stunning murals.
After speeches from the school Principal and local MP, our very own Year 6 Stars student, Kercharna Morgan, stood up confidently in front of the guests and spoke movingly about Stars and her Mentors:
“Stars has motivated me to come to school every day, they’re kind and supportive and also funny. What I’ve loved this year is the excursions and memories I have made here.
My favourite excursion was when we went to Katherine for the Stars Netball Carnival. There were lots of exciting things to do like swimming at the Katherine Hot Springs, playing on the jumping pillow at dinner, and especially playing netball.
These past weeks we have designed and spray-painted our art onto four walls that our Stars girls and Clontarf boys have made.
Pam and Jasmin [Stars Mentors] have always been available to provide the help and advice we need. They’re always proud when we succeed and are giving us the tools to achieve our goals all the time.”
In the lead up to the event Stars students baked cupcakes and decorated them with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flag colours during recess, lunch and after school.
This job was harder than expected, with the warm and humid Darwin weather making working with fondant quite challenging, but our amazing Stars persevered – and the cupcakes were fantastic!