
Government House Tour

Some of our Driver Primary School Junior Stars were invited by The Honourable Vicki O’Halloran AO, Administrator of the Northern Territory, to attend a tour of Government House and special morning tea recently.

The girls learnt that Government House plays an important role in hosting visiting royalty and dignitaries, including vice-regal, diplomatic and government representatives of Australia and other nations.

They were amazed to hear that this year marks 151 years since Government House was built, and it has survived cyclones, earthquakes, the bombing of Darwin, and even white ants!

One of the most significant rooms in the building is ‘The Prince of Wales Room’, and the girls were fascinated to hear that the late Princess Diana had actually stayed in the room many years ago.

After the tour, our beautiful young Stars spent some sharing their hopes and dreams for the future with Her Honour, which was wonderful to witness.

The girls were then taken on a walk through the garden to check out the amazing array of vegetables growing there, including chillies, limes, eggplant and many herbs – they also enjoyed the stunning view of Darwin Harbour!

Her Honour shared gifts with the students, which are now on display in the Driver Primary School Stars Room. Thank you to Her Honour and Government House staff for such an interesting and inspirational visit.